Wednesday, August 22, 2012

15 month update!

15 months, 1 week

We 'celebrated' Brock's 15 month birthday visiting my family (aunts, cousins, dad and Pat) in Grove, Oklahoma. We didn't do anything to celebrate it really, but we were there! We had QUITE the adventure getting down there. About halfway there we stopped to stretch our legs, use the restroom, etc. We got back into the car and Nick's check engine light came on. We just so happened to be in the same parking lot as an O'Reilly auto shop and we stopped to have it checked out. It came back as being something wrong with the transmission. We were in tiny Ft. Scott, KS with only one shop that could even try to help us. Lucky for us, the guy was there. Unlucky, he was about to leave for the day and leave town. Thankfully, he drove the car so he could at least tell us what was wrong. He confirmed the issue was with the transmission, but that it wasn't major and we could make it to Grove and get it fixed there, without causing any further damage.

Nick was so upset but we got back on the road (now about an hour behind schedule and right on time for Brock to get hungry for lunch). We had about an hour to go before we were meeting my parents for lunch so we had to just start feeding him cookies, crackers and goldfish until we got there. Meanwhile, Mia and I both started frantically calling shops in Grove only to learn NO ONE was open on Saturday and no one could get us in that afternoon. We found one shop about 30 minutes away that could get us in Saturday, but Nick just didn't want to chance it. We called every place in the next closest town we would pass through, Pittsburg, KS with no luck either.

We were stopping in Baxter Springs, KS for lunch (population like 4000 - not kidding). We made it there and ended up arriving around the same time as Dad and Pat. While we were waiting for them to get there, I took Brock out to walk around and get some exercise after sitting in the car all day. Nick was still upset about his car and just happened to google transmission shops in Baxter Springs. There just so happened to be a shop literally around the corner (which really in that town, everything is) from where we were eating and he could fit us in! We were all just floored...we had called every shop in the towns along the way (that were much bigger) and no one had any openings.

Sure enough, we dropped the car off, ate our lunch and he was almost done with the car. He had a little bit left to do on the car, so he suggested we visit their little museum a couple of blocks away. I'm a sucker for a museum so I was so excited! It turned out to be this cute little museum with all these little rooms set up to look like different things you would have seen in the early 1900's (a farmhouse, a dentist office, an operator, newspaper press, etc). It was so cute! And it gave us some good quality 'stop and smell the roses' family time.

We got back on the road (for only $140 to fix the car no less - amazing!) and finally arrived in Grove around 4. We left our house around 9:30 and probably should have been there closer to 1, but hey, we made some memories! We only had a short amount of time before Nick and I had to hit the road and drive over to see my best friend Rea and meet her beautiful baby girl Monroe. We spent a few hours with them catching up and Brock loved the little baby!
It was love at first sight!
Saturday was just an all day family day. We hung out at my aunts house with my cousins and Brock loved feeding the fish in the pond, wandering around the land and we even walked him down to the lake where I used to swim as a kid. It was really awesome to be able to show him a place that makes up so many of my childhood memories. He had some great time with my dad too. We Facetime with my Dad and Pat at least once a week so he's used to see them over the phone and saying their names. We were curious to how he'd react in person, but he just loved it! He went to bed Saturday night just saying their names, and mine and Mia's over and over. It was so cute!

While we were there, my aunt got out some old photo albums. My aunts just kept saying how much Brock looks like me when I was younger. That's totally different for us to hear because everyone always says how much he looks like Nick. However, we couldn't believe it when we saw the pictures! He definitely looks a lot more like me than I think we realized!

Me as a toddler (not sure what age)                                        


Brock at 15 months, same crazy hair!


Monday was Brock's 15 month check up at the doctor. He got a few shots, but luckily didn't cry nearly as long as the last time on these. Here are his stats and some other fun facts about Mr. Brock at 15 months:
- Height 31" (50th% - big drop from last check up!)
- Weight 26 lbs (90th%)
- Head 88th% - still huge
- 8 teeth (all front 4 on top and bottom)
- says easily over 30 words, probably more
- Knows the difference between Ernie and Elmo (his 2 faves and the only ones he can say, but he knows the difference!)
- Says 'Thank You' when asked and even sometimes on his own if you give him something he wants, we're still working on 'Please'
- Knows the names of a few people at daycare - CC, Dainan and Riley (ri-wee)
- We're still taking the binkie, but only at night - it never leaves the crib
- He's not only fully walking, but running, walking backwards and climbing stairs like a champ
- Still a great eater and loves using a fork and spoon as long as there is already food on it
- Still the best sleeper out there, we are so hoping that never changes!
- Loves most veggies, but still not a huge fan of fruits - textures throw him off - still HATES bananas, is a huge fan of carbs just like his mama
- Bug bites are a huge problem for us - he gets TERRIBLE reactions to them, like huge swollen, red welt looking things whenever he gets bitten
- Wearing a size 5-6 in shoes
- Wearing 18-24 month clothes
- Loves to hold up the phone (or remote or even a graham cracker) and say 'Hello' like he's talking on the phone but totally clams up when he actually is on the phone with someone
- Has a bit of a temper and will try and hit or grunt when he's upset - we're trying to work on this!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our 'first' baby

15 months

It's no secret that our dog Oscar isn't the friendliest dog in the world. He's a little black chihuahua who we completely spoiled rotten his whole life. He was my dog when I lived on my own and Nick fell head over heels for him the day I brought him home. He was our baby. Slept in our bed, ate off Nick's cheeseburgers (yes, seriously), went everywhere with us. He's now 8 years old and a little grumpier than he used to be, but still our little snuggle dog.

He's very territorial and protective.Of us, of his food, his toys, his bed, his spot on the couch, anything he thinks is his, which is pretty much everything in our house. He tries to make up for his small size by being the 'alpha' in every situation. He's not overly aggressive and his bark (or snarl) is worse than his bite (most of the time). However, he has bitten a few people in situations that he felt threatened or felt like I was in danger. He's not a huge fan of new people, dogs he doesn't know and small children.

Enter my state of total panic while pregnant. How is he going to deal with the baby? Is he going to eat his face off if we aren't looking? Are we going to have to get rid of him? All these questions ran through my head on a quiet, yet constant cycle. I was even a little nervous to leave the hospital and go home with Brock. Not just because of the dog, but the overall fear of how we were going to mingle this perfect new angel that had taken over our world in a matter of days, into the life we already had and loved. A big part of that life being Oscar.

We read all the tips on how to introduce your old dog to a new baby. We had family take blankets from the hospital that smelled like the baby to the dog so he would recognize the scent. We left all the baby items out for the dog to get used too, etc.

Our first day home, Nick set Brock on the floor in his car seat and Oscar went over and licked his baby hand. I literally cried - tears of joy, relief and probably hormones. The next few weeks are still kind of a blur, but I do remember Oscar being just completely out of sorts. You could tell he was frustrated that his sleep schedule was being constantly interrupted and that he was no longer the center of attention. Usually, when people come over, he demands to be paid attention to immediately. Now, people didn't even know he was there - they just wanted to see the baby.

Oscar was definitely nervous and cautious around the baby. What was this thing? Why did it move and make such awful noises? He kept his distance as much as possible. And then I started to notice that if I would walk out of the room and Brock was sleeping on the floor or couch, Oscar would go up and lay next to him. Almost like he was protecting him while I was gone. Of course he'd get up and run as soon as I got back - God forbid I catch him warming up to that thing!

As Brock has grown, he has only gotten more and more interested in Oscar. In fact, one of his first 'real' words was 'dog'! Oscar likes to be near him, but not touching him. If Brock gets too close, Oscar will usually head for the hills. I was nervous with each new milestone - crawling, walking, exploring - that Oscar would feel territorial toward something Brock was getting too close to and then growl at him or even nip at him. We've had a few incidents where Oscar showed his teeth, but he knows to just remove himself from the situation (and we obviously keep a close eye at all times).

Now, Brock will throw the ball for Oscar and Oscar will bring it back to him. And Brock's new favorite activity is to walk the dog. He likes to hold the leash when we go on walks. Given that Oscar is only 12 pounds and pretty chill, he can't pull Brock over. Last night we went to the park and just let Brock hold the leash and wander around with Oscar. It was so amazing to see how far we've come and made me so proud of Oscar. I know it wasn't easy to adjust to all the newness of a baby and while he's not this super kid-friendly, ready to play dog, he's done better than I thought he would.

Everyone warned me before I had Brock that the dog would lose his place a little bit. He wouldn't be our 'baby' anymore. I swore up and down that would never happen. But, of course they were right. He's still our first 'baby', but the amount of attention he gets is far less than it used to be. Nick has been so much better than I have about giving him love, treats and affection. And as we've settled into our parent roles, I feel like I'm getting better about making sure he still feels loved from his mama. I know I probably didn't do right by him during the first few months, but hopefully he knows he'll always be my first baby!

I do want to get another dog when we have a bigger house. One that is a little more 'kid friendly' and will let Brock pull on his ears and lay on him with no issues. There is no doubt that Oscar is our dog so I feel like Brock should have one that is all his. But until then, it's fun watching their relationship grow and learn from each other.

Monday, August 6, 2012

July wrap up

14 months, 3 weeks

Ok, so I know it's not July anymore. And I know I haven't updated this in a couple of weeks - sorry! There has been a lot and a lot of nothing going on at Casa de Barbosa! We've been crazy busy but not much has changed with Brock.

Probably the most exciting (for me) is that he finally gives kisses!! All my friends that have daughters were getting kisses long before us. They were so gentle and sweet. Brock would punch me in the face before he'd give a kiss. He is so sweet, he just doesn't realize his own strength sometimes! But finally, last week, I randomly asked for a kiss, and he walked over to me and gave me a kiss! It melted my heart and I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up a little.

He's starting to learn to use utensils more and more. He thinks forks are the greatest things ever! He hasn't quite figured out how to get food ON them, but he loves to get it off!

We're still obsessed with shoes and saying more words by the day. Some of the newest additions are cool ('coo'), outside ('side'), book ('boo') and please ('pees'). He tries to say I love you, but it's kind of a cute little jumbled mess. He also has what we're calling his 'alien' language. He says so many words, but then he has this other little language he speaks when he wants to talk in more than just single word fragments. It's pretty hilarious. He'll pick up a book and just go to town like he's reading it. It's so cute!

He has finally figured out how to ride his little dinosaur toy he got for his birthday. Granted, right now, he only knows how to ride it backwards. He is getting more social too. Now, he's ALWAYS been a super happy, social baby. But now, when my mom, Nick's mom or Mia come over, he reaches out for them to hold him. That's huge since he didn't used to want to leave Mommy. I love how much he loves them.

It's finally cooler here so we're going to try and take advantage and hit up the pool, zoo, whatever we can before summer is over!