As promised, here are Brock's 9 month stats, fresh from the doc today!
- Weight: 22 lbs, 90%
- Length: 29", 75%
- Head, still 90%
He's eating 3 'meals' a day now and less and less 'baby food'. Some of the 'solids' in our rotation:
- bananas
- avocados
- Cheerios (a total fave)
- Steamed veggies
- pasta
- deli turkey
- cheese
He also usually gets to try whatever we're eating as long as it's 'baby safe'.
He's eating 4 bottles a day, usually 6-8oz, but can skip 1 sometimes.
Other fun facts:
- Army crawling
- Getting up on all fours and rocking
- Talking A LOT (mama, dada, baby, dog) - we don't know if he knows what he's saying, but we have made out those words so far
- Picking up food (Cheerios) and feeding himself
- Sits up on his own and is able to move around
- Can drink out of a straw and LOVES water bottles
- Can go from sitting to crawling position
- Has learned to cry really hard - it took this long, but he's got it mastered now!
- Goes to bed around 8, wakes up around 7 (no matter how late the bedtime, always awake by 7 at the latest , even on weekends)
- Puts his arms up or out when he wants you to hold him
- Always wants down, he'll lean to get down so he can crawl/play
Follow Brock's journey through his first milestones, challenges and triumphs, as well as our journey as new parents! We will have weekly updates on what's happening with Brock, as well as provide tips on what has and hasn't worked for us as we grow as a family!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Picture time
Soooooo, a couple of weeks ago we had our 8 month picture session with the fabulous Rebecca Haas!! We love her and she's so amazingly talented! Here are a few images from the photo shoot!
This one below is one of my faves just because of the face! I have no idea what kind of smile this is, but it's perfection!
This is his 'Zoolander' pose...he was taking his posing VERY seriously at this point. Giving us some over the shoulder looks even!
Playing catch up
9 months!
What a crazy couple of weeks we've had. Nothing major just lots of little things here and there. We went to Wichita over the weekend and it was wonderful. We had my parents all to ourselves for the first time in I don't know how long. They got to just enjoy Brock and all his new tricks. They hadn't seen him since before Christmas so it was long over due. He loved being with them and had so much fun. I loved seeing him interact with my Dad. I took a mental picture of them sitting in my dad's computer chair (his favorite place) and looking at pictures together. They both looked so happy and content, it was a moment I never want to forget.
Brock has been full on army crawling ALL OVER the house. We mostly stay in the basement where there are fewer temptations for trouble for the little man. He likes to squeeze into small spaces he shouldn't be in and play with anything that is not a baby toy. He's exploring and testing his new trick, along with our limits and it's amazing to watch.
He has been a little more drawn to 'mama' lately and I gotta say, secretly - well maybe not so secretly, I love it! He's been such a daddy's boy so far and now he seems to want mama. I'm soaking it up as much as I can.
He has started getting himself up on all fours and rocking back and forth. We think he'll be full out crawling any day now! Not sure that we're ready, but it'll be fun to watch him. He has also added the word 'baby' to his vocabulary somehow. We don't think he knows what it means, but he sure likes to say it! He also laughs all the time. He's always been a smiley happy baby, but even more so lately.
He now eats 'big boy' meals. In Wichita we even ordered off a restaurant menu for him for the first time! He had a non-buttered grilled cheese sandwich from Freddie's! LOL! Wellllll, he had parts of it. But, we let him eat more big boy foods and are starting to wean him off the baby foods as he seems to prefer the 'real' stuff. He picks up Gerber puffs and Cheerios like a champ, but any other foods, he's not that great at picking up yet. He can pick them up, but the texture usually weirds him out and he either drops it or throws it. It's a work in progress for sure!
We go to the doctor tomorrow for his 9 month check up and will report back his official 9 month stats!
Lastly, I want to take a few minutes to write down a few little things he's doing right now that I never want to forget.
1. Getting excited for the 'Hot Dog' song on Mickey Mouse Club House - every morning, Brock lays on our bed while I get ready for work. We put MMCH on the tv and he watches bits and pieces but mostly plays....UNTIL the very end when they do the 'Hot Dog' dance. He'll stop whatever he is doing and watch. He smiles, laughs and sometimes even bobs his head. We can even sing the 'Hot Dog' song to him away from that and he lights up!
2. Sounds - I swear this kid will end up a comedian or voice over artist. He has more 'characters' than any baby I've ever seen! He has his super high voice, his 'roar' voice, his regular voice, his 'gargle' voice, his 'machine gun' voice, etc. He has all these different sounds, noises, voices, etc that he makes and it's so cute! Some definitely more than others, but we love them all!
3. Being camera shy - He can be laughing or smiling like a mad man and as soon as you pull out a camera (video or still) he freezes. He takes it so seriously. He's started closing his eyes at our big picture b/c of the flash, but even when you turn it off, he still closes his eyes when you hold it up. It's hilarious!
4. Sock ninja - His main goal in life right now, is taking off his socks. Sometimes they are off before we even leave the house in the morning, or he takes them off in the car (yes, totally strapped into the carseat - I told you, the kid is a ninja). Things got to an all new low when we were at girls night with all my friends and their babies and he started taking Madison's socks off! I don't know what the kid has against socks, but we're starting to give up even fighting it anymore.
Those are just a few little things he does that I always want to remember!
What a crazy couple of weeks we've had. Nothing major just lots of little things here and there. We went to Wichita over the weekend and it was wonderful. We had my parents all to ourselves for the first time in I don't know how long. They got to just enjoy Brock and all his new tricks. They hadn't seen him since before Christmas so it was long over due. He loved being with them and had so much fun. I loved seeing him interact with my Dad. I took a mental picture of them sitting in my dad's computer chair (his favorite place) and looking at pictures together. They both looked so happy and content, it was a moment I never want to forget.
Brock has been full on army crawling ALL OVER the house. We mostly stay in the basement where there are fewer temptations for trouble for the little man. He likes to squeeze into small spaces he shouldn't be in and play with anything that is not a baby toy. He's exploring and testing his new trick, along with our limits and it's amazing to watch.
He has been a little more drawn to 'mama' lately and I gotta say, secretly - well maybe not so secretly, I love it! He's been such a daddy's boy so far and now he seems to want mama. I'm soaking it up as much as I can.
He has started getting himself up on all fours and rocking back and forth. We think he'll be full out crawling any day now! Not sure that we're ready, but it'll be fun to watch him. He has also added the word 'baby' to his vocabulary somehow. We don't think he knows what it means, but he sure likes to say it! He also laughs all the time. He's always been a smiley happy baby, but even more so lately.
He now eats 'big boy' meals. In Wichita we even ordered off a restaurant menu for him for the first time! He had a non-buttered grilled cheese sandwich from Freddie's! LOL! Wellllll, he had parts of it. But, we let him eat more big boy foods and are starting to wean him off the baby foods as he seems to prefer the 'real' stuff. He picks up Gerber puffs and Cheerios like a champ, but any other foods, he's not that great at picking up yet. He can pick them up, but the texture usually weirds him out and he either drops it or throws it. It's a work in progress for sure!
We go to the doctor tomorrow for his 9 month check up and will report back his official 9 month stats!
Lastly, I want to take a few minutes to write down a few little things he's doing right now that I never want to forget.
1. Getting excited for the 'Hot Dog' song on Mickey Mouse Club House - every morning, Brock lays on our bed while I get ready for work. We put MMCH on the tv and he watches bits and pieces but mostly plays....UNTIL the very end when they do the 'Hot Dog' dance. He'll stop whatever he is doing and watch. He smiles, laughs and sometimes even bobs his head. We can even sing the 'Hot Dog' song to him away from that and he lights up!
2. Sounds - I swear this kid will end up a comedian or voice over artist. He has more 'characters' than any baby I've ever seen! He has his super high voice, his 'roar' voice, his regular voice, his 'gargle' voice, his 'machine gun' voice, etc. He has all these different sounds, noises, voices, etc that he makes and it's so cute! Some definitely more than others, but we love them all!
3. Being camera shy - He can be laughing or smiling like a mad man and as soon as you pull out a camera (video or still) he freezes. He takes it so seriously. He's started closing his eyes at our big picture b/c of the flash, but even when you turn it off, he still closes his eyes when you hold it up. It's hilarious!
4. Sock ninja - His main goal in life right now, is taking off his socks. Sometimes they are off before we even leave the house in the morning, or he takes them off in the car (yes, totally strapped into the carseat - I told you, the kid is a ninja). Things got to an all new low when we were at girls night with all my friends and their babies and he started taking Madison's socks off! I don't know what the kid has against socks, but we're starting to give up even fighting it anymore.
Those are just a few little things he does that I always want to remember!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
8 months, 4 weeks (9 months in a few days --- how did that happen?!)
Just wanted to share a quick photo of my favorite little Valentine! Having a baby makes holidays so much fun! Last night we made treats for the kids at daycare (toddler friendly of course)! We also took over some blueberry muffins for breakfast! Here's our handsome little man getting ready for the day of loooooove!
Just wanted to share a quick photo of my favorite little Valentine! Having a baby makes holidays so much fun! Last night we made treats for the kids at daycare (toddler friendly of course)! We also took over some blueberry muffins for breakfast! Here's our handsome little man getting ready for the day of loooooove!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Happiest Baby....ever???
8 months, 3 weeks
Everyone keeps telling us that Brock is the happiest baby ever. At first it was just family so we didn't think much of it. Obviously WE think he's pretty great, but they are pretty biased too. Then it started becoming people we didn't know very well and then even complete strangers in public saying how happy he is! We usually get a 'what a big boy', but almost always we hear how happy he seems.
He smiles and laughs all the time! But he's also not super shy. Usually, if we're out to eat and someone smiles at him, he smiles right back and just can't get enough! He started smiling pretty young and has just always been a chill baby. We can honestly count on probably one hand the amount of times he's really really cried (we'll get into one particular event later). Now, don't get me wrong, he can get mad and he'll let you know it! He fusses quite a bit, but just outright crying, not very normal for him. Pretty much every night, he has at least 15 minutes of giggles - whether it's watching the dog play fetch or getting tickles from mommy and daddy, he giggles non-stop! It's the best sound in the world and we do some pretty ridiculous things to keep it going!
Sometimes he wakes up before us and he'll just lay in his crib and play until we come get him. Now, the whole point of this blog isn't just to brag on Captain Smiley...welll, ok, maybe it is. But also to take a minute to reflect on how lucky we feel! Nick likes to say it's the 'parenting', but I think honestly, it's just his personality. I do feel that the fact that we try and keep things relatively chill at home, spend as much time with him as possible and make sure if/when he needs something he has it, definitely helps. I think some babies are just wired to be more hyper, or more anxious or more fussy or whatever, but I think as parents all we can do is our best to adjust and respond to their unique personality. (I know, big talk coming from the 'happy baby' mommy - trust me, I'm fulling prepared for the spawn of satan on the next one as we probably have it coming).
Anyway, before more updates, here are some of my favorite pictures of the smiley man himself!
Brock is now just a little eating machine! I pretty much let him try whatever I'm eating as long as it's not to spicy or wouldn't hurt his tummy. He's a little garbage disposal - so far nothing he really doesn't like. I wasn't anticipating him eating so many solids so early, but I love it and we're going with it!!
Ironically enough, the happiest baby ever, wasn't so happy this weekend.We went to Nick's aunt and uncle's annual Superbowl party on Sunday. Brock had a bit of a runny nose and didn't get a good nap in the afternoon so he wasn't his chipper usual self. One thing about Brock, and he's always been this way, he needs some time to warm up if he's in a new place before 'strangers' start holding him and we aren't around. Well, sure enough, one of Nick's aunts grabbed him right away and Nick and I both walked to put things down/say hi to people. Not even a minute later, Brock is screaming bloody murder! I'm talking hysterically crying like I've NEVER heard before. Couldn't catch his breath, tears, runny nose, just the works. I took him back immediately and tried to get him to calm down, but he was so upset, I don't even think he could tell at first that I had him! It took him a good probably 5 minutes and binky before he finally calmed down. Of course, after that, he was totally fine. Lesson re-learned on that one!
He's getting closer and closer to crawling. And apparently, stripping! Last night as I was making dinner, Brock was playing by himself in the living room. I walk in to check on him and this is what I see:
Somehow, he figured out how to take his arm out of his shirt like he was trying to take it off! I'm sure it must have been an accident of some sort, but I was cracking up and had to take a picture!
Tonight we have a girls night where he gets to see all his homies (Tripp, Carter, Madison and Marlee). Hopefully he takes a good nap at daycare so he'll be ready to play all night!! All the kiddos haven't been together for so long so it'll be so fun to watch them play!
Everyone keeps telling us that Brock is the happiest baby ever. At first it was just family so we didn't think much of it. Obviously WE think he's pretty great, but they are pretty biased too. Then it started becoming people we didn't know very well and then even complete strangers in public saying how happy he is! We usually get a 'what a big boy', but almost always we hear how happy he seems.
He smiles and laughs all the time! But he's also not super shy. Usually, if we're out to eat and someone smiles at him, he smiles right back and just can't get enough! He started smiling pretty young and has just always been a chill baby. We can honestly count on probably one hand the amount of times he's really really cried (we'll get into one particular event later). Now, don't get me wrong, he can get mad and he'll let you know it! He fusses quite a bit, but just outright crying, not very normal for him. Pretty much every night, he has at least 15 minutes of giggles - whether it's watching the dog play fetch or getting tickles from mommy and daddy, he giggles non-stop! It's the best sound in the world and we do some pretty ridiculous things to keep it going!
Sometimes he wakes up before us and he'll just lay in his crib and play until we come get him. Now, the whole point of this blog isn't just to brag on Captain Smiley...welll, ok, maybe it is. But also to take a minute to reflect on how lucky we feel! Nick likes to say it's the 'parenting', but I think honestly, it's just his personality. I do feel that the fact that we try and keep things relatively chill at home, spend as much time with him as possible and make sure if/when he needs something he has it, definitely helps. I think some babies are just wired to be more hyper, or more anxious or more fussy or whatever, but I think as parents all we can do is our best to adjust and respond to their unique personality. (I know, big talk coming from the 'happy baby' mommy - trust me, I'm fulling prepared for the spawn of satan on the next one as we probably have it coming).
Anyway, before more updates, here are some of my favorite pictures of the smiley man himself!
This was Christmas morning...he was a little tired...but he loved his hat so much he couldn't resist a smile!
This was actually Christmas Eve - Nick clearly did something hilarious!
This was a couple of months ago - just hangin' out, happy to be naked!
This is my favorite picture of him so far!! Mia caught this on her phone so it's a little hazy, but that is just the sweetest face ever!
We recently discovered the Brock LOVES the park! He loves the swings and this little dinosaur thing he can make rock back and forth!
Brock is now just a little eating machine! I pretty much let him try whatever I'm eating as long as it's not to spicy or wouldn't hurt his tummy. He's a little garbage disposal - so far nothing he really doesn't like. I wasn't anticipating him eating so many solids so early, but I love it and we're going with it!!
Ironically enough, the happiest baby ever, wasn't so happy this weekend.We went to Nick's aunt and uncle's annual Superbowl party on Sunday. Brock had a bit of a runny nose and didn't get a good nap in the afternoon so he wasn't his chipper usual self. One thing about Brock, and he's always been this way, he needs some time to warm up if he's in a new place before 'strangers' start holding him and we aren't around. Well, sure enough, one of Nick's aunts grabbed him right away and Nick and I both walked to put things down/say hi to people. Not even a minute later, Brock is screaming bloody murder! I'm talking hysterically crying like I've NEVER heard before. Couldn't catch his breath, tears, runny nose, just the works. I took him back immediately and tried to get him to calm down, but he was so upset, I don't even think he could tell at first that I had him! It took him a good probably 5 minutes and binky before he finally calmed down. Of course, after that, he was totally fine. Lesson re-learned on that one!
He's getting closer and closer to crawling. And apparently, stripping! Last night as I was making dinner, Brock was playing by himself in the living room. I walk in to check on him and this is what I see:
Somehow, he figured out how to take his arm out of his shirt like he was trying to take it off! I'm sure it must have been an accident of some sort, but I was cracking up and had to take a picture!
Tonight we have a girls night where he gets to see all his homies (Tripp, Carter, Madison and Marlee). Hopefully he takes a good nap at daycare so he'll be ready to play all night!! All the kiddos haven't been together for so long so it'll be so fun to watch them play!
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